Here, I present a bunch of past projects. This list is quite outdated and I probably need to update this page soon.

azimuth (May 2018)

azimuth_sponza_path azimuth_head_env

azimuth is a ray/path tracer written in C/C++ for Windows platforms. More details can be found and source code is available on GitHub.

hexapuff (January 2018):

0xpuff_00 0xpuff_01 0xpuff_02

hexapuff is a turn-based strategy game with fake-voxel/low-poly graphics. It allows 2 to 4 players and rules can be set before each session. Maps are generated procedurally according to these rules. It is made with Unity. 3D models are created with MagicaVoxel.

Project Vikings (May 2017)

pv_a0 pv_c0 pv_c1


Project Vikings is a 3D racing and battling game developed during an undergraduate course. It was a team project and I was responsible for AI behaviour and car mechanics. I also wrote a few shaders for it. It is made with Unity.

hoppy (December 2016)



hoppy is a 2D mobile game for aarch64 based Android devices. It is written from scratch in C with the help of Android Native Development Kit. Due to use of inline assembly, it only supports aarch64. Alternative code paths are written but they are not tested. It was a term project (~3 months). More details can be found and source code is available on GitHub.

Thinkies (February 2015)



Thinkies is a simple casual game made with Unity during Global Game Jam 2015. More details can be found and source code is available here. We have also participated in GGJ 2014 and 2016.